1 Write a Python program to make user choice to print area of different figure def Square(): number=int(input("Enter the side:")) area=number*number print("Area of Square:",area) def Rectangle(): l=int(input("Enter the Length: ")) b=int(input("Enter the Breadth: ")) area=l*b print("Area of Rectangle:" ,area) def Triangle(): b=int(input("enter the base of triangle:")) h=int(input("enter the height of the triangle:")) area=b*h*.5 print("Area of triangle :",area) print("Enter the choice 1 for Rectangle 2 for square and 3 for Triangle") n=int(input("enter the choice:")) if n==1: Rectangle() elif n==2: Square() else: Triangle() 2 Write a Python program to read a text file and display the number of vowels/consonants/uppercase/lowercase characters in the file file=open("AI.TXT","r") content=fil...